
Juliana Nery de Souza Talarico
E-mail: junery@usp.br
Leader: ME/DO- Cognition and aging;
- Stress, cognition and aging;
- Neurobiology of stress and coping mechanism.E-mail: katia.regina@incor.usp.br
Leader: ME- Outcomes reported by patients, with emphasis on quality of life;
- Pacemakers and implantable cardio-defibrillators;
- Data management in scientific research. -
E-mail: lilianogueira@usp.br
Leader: ME- Critical care nursing;
- Nursing workload.E-mail: mgsalvetti@usp.br
Leader: ME- Control of symptoms in oncology;
- Pain and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy;
- Palliative Care. -
E-mail: pcnogueira@usp.br
Leader: ME- Nursing care in Stomatherapy: wounds, stomies and incontinences;
- Nursing care for individuals with spinal cord injury and their family and caregiver;
- Rehabilitation in the spinal cord injury;
- Patient safety.Renata Eloah de Lucena Ferretti-Rebustini
E-mail: reloah@usp.br
Leader: ME- Medical-surgical advanced nursing practices for care of the adult and the elderly in acute and critical conditions;
- Physiopathology in aging: from basic research to clinical care of the elderly;
- Psychometrics: construction, validation, cross-cultural adaptation and analysis of the psychometric properties of health measurement instruments.