Student Body
Since its creation in 1973, the Program has awarded the 910 titles of Master (1975-2016) and 289 titles of Doctors (1993-2016).
Currently, the EEUSP Nursing Post-Graduation Program has 147 enrolled students of which 56 are taking the master course and 91 are taking the doctorate course.
We have 232 alumni from the PPGE program in the period of 2008-2015, of which are 152 masters and 80 doctors.
The Program counts with the support of several development agencies. The agencies that finance research and human resources development and offer scholarships to master and doctorate enrolled post-graduate students are: CAPES, CNPq, FAPESP. There are many different types of scholarships among which we can highlight the scholarship for master, doctorate, PDSE (exchange program), short-term internships and PEC-PG (access through CAPES and CNPq websites).
For CAPES and CNPq scholarships, the selection, concession and student follow-up processes are up to the Program’s Scholarship Committee. The scholarships offered by FAPESP are granted directly to the student upon the advisor’s request.
Besides the development agencies’ specific criteria, the Program has the following criteria for the concession of scholarships .
The registration for scholarships take place every semester, during the enrolment period. The doctorate students can develop part of their studies in foreign institutions through specific CAPES and CNPq programs.
Financial Suport
The mobilization of professors and students to participate in scientific events (as a delegate or helping to organise them) can be supported by the Post-graduation Pro-Rectory and by the Program.
PROAP kinds of financial aid for professors and students:
1) For students, a R$300,00 (three hundred Brazilian reais) aid for participation in national congress, that might be granted once during the master and twice during the doctorate course;
2) For students, a U$250,00 (two hundred and fifty American dollars) aid for participation in international congress, that might be granted once during the master and twice during the doctorate course;
3) For professors, there is a complementation aid for participation in national and international events. For international events the amount will be U$350,00 (three hundred and fifty American dollars), except for the Latin America, for which the aid will be U$250,00 (two hundred and fifty American dollars);
For national events the aid amount will be R$300,00 (three hundred Brazilian reais). The exchange of teachers can be financially supported by CAPES, CNPq, FAPESP and the Pro-Rectory through the post-doc and visitor professor modality.