A Framework to Counter Infectious Disease Crises
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Few other disasters are capable of greater damage to human lives and livelihoods than pandemics--yet, compared with other major threats to global security, we have grossly underinvested in preparedness and response.
In The Neglected Dimension of Global Security, the independent, international Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future (GHRF Commission) estimates expected losses from pandemics at $60 billion per year. The Commission proposes investing just a fraction of that cost--$4.5 billion per year--to make the world much safer from the threat of pandemics.
The GHRF Commission makes comprehensive recommendations, including proposed budgets and timelines, according to a three-pronged framework:
Ultimately, the report concludes that pandemic prevention and response should be treated as an essential tenet of both national security and global economic stability--not just a matter of health.