Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem








Clinical Economics and Nursing

Porzsolt, Franz


Original Articles


Pain, health perception and sleep: impact on the quality of life of firefighters/rescue professionals

Marconato, Rafael Silva; Monteiro, Maria Ines


Analgesic efficacy of lidocaine and multimodal analgesia for chest tube removal: A randomized trial study

Pinheiro, Valdecy Ferreira de Oliveira; Costa, José Madson Vidal da; Cascudo, Marcelo Matos; Pinheiro, Ênio de Oliveira; Fernandes, Maria Angela Ferreira; Araujo, Ivonete Batista de


Validation to Portuguese of the Scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning

Almeida, Rodrigo Guimarães dos Santos; Mazzo, Alessandra; Martins, José Carlos Amado; Baptista, Rui Carlos Negrão; Girão, Fernanda Berchelli; Mendes, Isabel Amélia Costa


A content validity study of signs, symptoms and diseases/health problems expressed in LIBRAS

Aragão, Jamilly da Silva; França, Inacia Sátiro Xavier de; Coura, Alexsandro Silva; Sousa, Francisco Stélio de; Batista, Joana D'arc Lyra; Magalhães, Isabella Medeiros de Oliveira


Governance of professional nursing practice in a hospital setting: a mixed methods study

Santos, José Luís Guedes dos; Erdmann, Alacoque Lorenzini


Levels of career commitment and career entrenchment of nurses from public and private hospitals

Lima, Mauren Pimentel; Costa, Vânia Medianeira Flores; Lopes, Luis Felipe Dias; Balsan, Laércio André Gassen; Santos, Andressa Schaurich dos; Tomazzoni, Gean Carlos


Safety culture in the operating room of a public hospital in the perception of healthcare professionals

Carvalho, Paloma Aparecida; Göttems, Leila Bernarda Donato; Pires, Maria Raquel Gomes Maia; Oliveira, Maria Liz Cunha de


Use of Balanced Indicators as a Management Tool in Nursing

Fugaça, Neidamar Pedrini Arias; Cubas, Marcia Regina; Carvalho, Deborah Ribeiro


Diagnostic accuracy of the defining characteristics of the excessive fluid volume diagnosis in hemodialysis patients

Fernandes, Maria Isabel da Conceição Dias; Bispo, Miclécia de Melo; Leite, Érida Maria Diniz; Lopes, Marcos Venícios de Oliveira; Silva, Viviane Martins da; Lira, Ana Luisa Brandão de Carvalho


Prescriptive Authority and Nursing: a comparative analysis of Brazil and Canada

Bellaguarda, Maria Lígia dos Reis; Nelson, Sioban; Padilha, Maria Itayra; Caravaca-Morera, Jaime Alonso


Human error in daily intensive nursing care

Duarte, Sabrina da Costa Machado; Queiroz, Ana Beatriz Azevedo; Büscher, Andreas; Stipp, Marluci Andrade Conceição


Evaluation of self-esteem in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment

Leite, Marilia Aparecida Carvalho; Nogueira, Denismar Alves; Terra, Fábio de Souza


Adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and exposure to violence: parents' opinion

Stefanini, Jaqueline Rodrigues; Scherer, Zeyne Alves Pires; Scherer, Edson Arthur; Cavalin, Luciana Aparecida; Guazzelli, Mariana Santos


Child development: analysis of a new concept

Souza, Juliana Martins de; Veríssimo, Maria de La Ó Ramallo


Surgical Safety in Pediatrics: practical application of the Pediatric Surgical Safety Checklist

Pires, Maria Paula de Oliveira; Pedreira, Mavilde L. G.; Peterlini, Maria Angélica Sorgini


The illness of women and men with sickle cell disease: a Grounded Theory study

Cordeiro, Rosa Cândida; Ferreira, Silvia Lúcia; Santos, Ane Caroline da Cruz


Association of socioeconomic and clinical variables with the state of frailty among older inpatients

Tavares, Darlene Mara dos Santos; Nader, Isabella Danielle; Paiva, Mariana Mapelli de; Dias, Flavia Aparecida; Pegorari, Maycon Sousa


Cohort study of institutionalized elderly people: fall risk factors from the nursing diagnosis

Reis, Karine Marques Costa dos; Jesus, Cristine Alves Costa de


Connection between competence, usability, environment and risk of falls in elderly adults

Leiva-Caro, José Alex; Salazar-González, Bertha Cecilia; Gallegos-Cabriales, Esther Carlota; Gómez-Meza, Marco Vinicio; Hunter, Kathleen F.


Systemic Arterial Hypertension in the Emergency Service: medication adherence and understanding of this disease

Vancini-Campanharo, Cássia Regina; Oliveira, Gabriella Novelli; Andrade, Thaisa Fernanda Landim; Okuno, Meiry Fernanda Pinto; Lopes, Maria Carolina Barbosa Teixeira; Batista, Ruth Ester Assayag


Hypertension and diabetes-related morbidity and mortality trends in a municipality in the countryside of São Paulo

Reis, Andreia Francesli Negri; Lima, Juliana Cristina; Beccaria, Lucia Marinilza; Ribeiro, Rita de Cassia Helú Mendonça; Ribeiro, Daniele Favaro; Cesarino, Claudia Bernardi


Alcoholic patients' response to their disease: perspective of patients and family

Lima-Rodríguez, Joaquín Salvador; Guerra-Martín, María Dolores; Domínguez-Sánchez, Isabel; Lima-Serrano, Marta


Drug use, mental health and problems related to crime and violence: cross-sectional study

Claro, Heloísa Garcia; Oliveira, Márcia Aparecida Ferreira de; Bourdreaux, Janet Titus; Fernandes, Ivan Filipe de Almeida Lopes; Pinho, Paula Hayasi; Tarifa, Rosana Ribeiro


Lights, camera and action in the implementation of central venous catheter dressing

Ferreira, Maria Verônica Ferrareze; Godoy, Simone de; Góes, Fernanda dos Santos Nogueira de; Rossini, Fernanda de Paula; Andrade, Denise de


Ethical problems experienced by oncology nurses

Luz, Kely Regina da; Vargas, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira; Schmidtt, Pablo Henrique; Barlem, Edison Luiz Devos; Tomaschewski-Barlem, Jamila Geri; Rosa, Luciana Martins da


Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage: identification of nursing research priorities in Latin America

Cassiani, Silvia Helena De Bortoli; Bassalobre-Garcia, Alessandra; Reveiz, Ludovic