The health of the world’s population is in a state of inequality. That is to say, there are vastly different stories to tell about a person’s health depending on where they live, their level of education, and whether they are rich or poor, etc. Monitoring the state of inequality in health takes into account the current experiences of population subgroups, as well as the trends of how health experiences in these subgroups have changed over time. This 2015 report demonstrates best practices in reporting the results of health inequality monitoring, and introduces innovative ways for audiences to explore inequality data. Interactive data visualization components – including story-points, equity country profiles, maps and reference tables – accompany the key messages and findings of this report, allowing users to customize data displays and engage in benchmarking according to their interests. A series of feature stories indicated that inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health persist, despite having narrowed over the past decade. There is still much progress to be made in reducing inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health through equity-oriented policies, programmes and practices. Though the report draws on data about reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in low- and middle-income countries, the approach and underlying concepts can be widely applied to any health topic.